


Update Oct, 2010-Sandra Scott Cook


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                                                Family of England, Bonavista, NF and Beyond


Much of the information I have compiled came from cemetery records, census records, etc online at the . The information that I put together I had confirmed and added to with the help of many family members. Frances and Jack Rowsell were especially helpful. Frances kindly sent me some of her research; she also included information from a report written by John R. Holwell “The Miles Family of Bonavista, Newfoundland A history document. I have included some of their writings throughout this Family History. I have enclosed pictures and information from Isle of Wight and Wimborne Minister. Not sure which place the Miles family came from Possibly Miles from Isle of Wight and Hapgoods from Winborne Minister Dorset. Family legend has it the Miles Family came from the Isle of Wight. Copy of a letter written to Mom from Jessie Miles Fitzgerald in 1965 remembers her grandfather William Miles speaking of his father John Miles


Note: I received from Nonna Edwards I did write her however did not receive a response, I believe from her email address she resides in the UK. I checked some online records for the Miles below and certainly the baptisims were recorded. I am not sure but looks like a good possibility this is where our family came.
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 23:25:13 +0100

Have just read your page.  My grandmother was a Miles.

Your James Miles 1753-1835 who married Dinah Hapgood was born in Melbury Abbas, Dorset not the I of W. His parents were James Miles 1726 Melbury Abbas and Charity Lush and his grandfather was James Miles 1704-1787 Cann, Dorset.Gr grandparents were James Miles 1657-1723 and Mary Horder 1660-1718. His gr. gr. grandparents were John Miles 1635-1703 and Hannah Haskoll  both of Cann Dorset. I hope this is useful and would love to hear from you anyway.







Isle of Wight, an island and unitary authority, part of the historic county of Hampshire, lying off the south coast of England, in the English Channel. The island is separated from the mainland by a deep strait known as the Solent.

The flag of the Wessisc people is a black banner with a yellow cross, similar in design to the Flag of Saint George, and almost the same as the standard of Dûnein. The flag of Wight is the flag of Saint Geowan, who is the patron saint of Wight. His remains are buried in Newhythe Cathedral. Yellow, white and black are the traditional colours of Wight and the Wessisc people.

The motto of the Island, meaning "Land and Sea" is: Lond a Vowr


Arms;Azure a castle triple towered argent between three anchors or.                                                    

Crest: On a wreath of the colours a mural crown or charged with three anchors azure.

On the dexter side a horse and and on the sinister side a sea horse both argent

Motto:All this beauty is of God





Arms:Azure a Stag's Head caboshed between the attires a Cross flory Or on a Chief Argent a Fleur-de-Lys between two Saxon Crowns Gules.
Crest: Out of a Coronet composed of two Fleurs-de-Lys Or and as many Roses Gules barbed and seeded proper set alternately upon a Rim Gold a demi Lion Ermine ducally gorged also Gold and holding between the paws a Chapeau Gules turned up Ermine

Motto 'SERIO SERVIRE'-Earnestly to serve.Granted  May 29, 1959 to the Wimborne and Cranborne Rural District Council
The East Dorset and Wimborne District was formed by the amalgamation of the Wimborne Minster Urban District, part of the Ringwood and Fordingbridge Rural District and the Wimborne and Cranborne Rurual District.




    Resembling a cathedral city in miniature the recorded history of Wimborne dates back to the 8th century when King Alfred ruled Wessex. Some authorities even believe it to be the place were Alfred was crowned king of England. The full title of the town is Wimborne Minster, taking its name from the Minster church built on the site of a monastery. The Minster is unique, in that it has two towers. one a glorious lantern tower of the late Norman period, and a later western tower dating from the 15th century.




        Newfoundland Flag

        The new flag was adopted in 1980. In this flag, the primary colours of red, gold, and blue are placed against a background of white. The white represents snow and ice, the blue represents the sea; red represents human effort and gold represents our confidence in ourselves.

       The Newfoundland Coat of Arms was originally granted on January 1, 1637 to a private company. It was not until 1928 that it was rediscovered and officially reintroduced. The arms consist of a red shield bearing a silver cross with lions and unicorns in the quarters. The supporters holding the shield are European interpretations of Newfoundland's native Beothuk people. An elk, meant to represent Newfoundland's caribou herds, stands above the shield. The Latin motto translates "Seek ye first the kingdom of God" and is found in the New Testament, Matthew 7:23


The Venetian explorer and navigator John Cabot is credited with discovering North America in 1497. Tradition maintains Cabot made landfall at an area near Bonavista on June 24, 1497. His life's work was a fascination with discovery, and he was lost at sea attempting a second voyage in 1498


The historic lighthouse at Cape Bonavista was first put into operation on September 11, 1843. The lighting apparatus installed was a revolving red and white reflecting light which was removed from Inch Cape (Bell) Rock Lighthouse in Scotland where it has been in use since 1811.


                  Bonivista Town




1.    James Miles, born about 1760-70 in England? Not sure where James came from possibly Isle of Wight this is something that seemed to be known throughout the family. We know he was married in Bonavista, NF on July 04, 1793. His wife Dinah Hapgood passed away 1801. So we know there 5 children were all born between 1793 and 1801. Additional information is that he came from England 1792. Possibly not Isle of Wight but Wimborne Minister, Dorset, England or Shaftsbury, Dorset England.


”There are at least five Miles in Bonavista before 1785 ...Charles, William, James, Mary and John. It is possible that these five Miles were siblings but no concrete evidence supporting this theory has yet been revealed.”Holwell

                At the start of the new century , tragedy struck. In May 180 1, Dinah passed away, but not before giving birth to their second daughter, Jane. Dinah was buried at the Church of England cemetery at Bonavista on Sunday the tenth. James, now in his thirties and likely doing all that he could to extract a living from the sea, was left to care for five children, from ten years of age to infant. It's unlikely he would be able to handle such a daunting task without the help of his family. Newfoundland enjoyed a relative period of prosperity from 1795 to 1814. The fishery was a success and prices were reasonable, a rare combination throughout the Island's history. By the end of this period of good fortune, James's children were young adults.” Holwell


He married Dinah Hapgood, July 04, 1793 in Bonavista NF, born about 1773, (daughter of James Hapgood and Hannah unknown) died 1801 in Bonavista, NF. Buried May 10, 1801 in Bonavista, NF.  Dinah: her marriage date is July 14, 1793 in Bonavista, NF. Her Baptismal date was Dec 11, 1791 from this I would assume she was a young woman when she was baptized. So we can assume she was born around 1773.From the date of Dinah's death she was a very young women possibly under 30 when she died. She died in 1801 but not before giving birth to her second daughter Jane.  From information I received from Frances Rowsell (John (Jack) Rowsell's wife) James and Hannah Hapgood (Habgood) came from Wimborne Minister county of Dorset country England. Dinah siblings all born probably 1760's/70's. Baptized in Bonavista as young adults. William, Jacob, John, Elizabeth, Sarah were ones I found. Dinah's father James Hapgood died 1797 Bonavista and her mother Hannah died 1804. We can assume they were born around late 1740's or early 1750's. Further searches would have to be carried out in England. Some additional notes on siblings Richard married Mary Steads Dec 29,1803. Elizabeth married John Hunter Dec 05, 1804. Sarah married Herbert Dentey Dec 28, 1798. William Married Mary Gosling Nov 14, 1802.



                2.          i        John Miles b. 1791.

                             ii       James Miles, born about 1794, baptized Dec 25, 1799 in Bonavista, NF.

                             iii      William Miles, born about 1795, baptized Dec 25, 1799 in Bonavista, NF.

                             iv      Ann Miles, born about 1797, baptized Dec 25,1799 in Bonavista, NF.

                             v       Jane Miles, born about 1801, baptized Dec 15, 1803 in Bonavista, NF.


Second Generation



2. John Miles, (1.James1) born 1791 (England) baptized Dec 25, 1799 in Bonavista NF, died Sep 17, 1861.  It appears parents are James and Dinah Miles. There was some info that he was born 1791 and came from Isle of Wight. England. However all indications are that he is the son of James and Dinah Miles of Bonavista. He was also married in Bonavista. As his first three children were named William, James and John as were James and Dinah's. We can assume he was born around 1791 as him and 3 other siblings were baptized Dec 25, 1799. John and Elizabeth Etsell Miles had 12 children. I received death date from Frances Sep 17, 1861 buried Sep 20, 1861 at age 70 which would make him born 1791.


       John was in all likelihood a fisherman. Unfortunately, when he and Betsy started their family in the 1820's the fishery was dismal. All through the decade catches were poor and the families all along Newfoundland's coast struggled to put food on the table. The bleak conditions persisted into the early 1830s, culminating in what was probably the Island's second worst winter in 1831-32, second only to the winter of the Rats some 14 years previous John and his family were included in those who received relief. The number in his family was indicated as six and he received 21 lbs of bread, 10 lbs of fish, and 1 quart of Molasses. As the 1830s progressed, so did the fishery and the general well being of those who pursued it for their livelihood. John and Elizabeth continued to expand their family and by 1840 had eleven children ranging in ages from infant to late teens. They are attributed to three more children in the 1840s ...Henry, Thriza and Elizabeth” Holwell


Times were hard indeed. A Reverend Wilson, in his Newfoundland and its Missionaries (quoted in Prime BerthS, pI 09-111) wrote of the hardships that prevailed that terrible winter:

Saturday, May Sth, 1832... "The past winter was certainly the most severe that I have ever experienced. It has frozen almost incessantly since last November, and the frost has been intense, the thermometer haven fallen frequently to from fljteen to eighteen degrees below zero. The cold still continues, and the ground is as impervious as in the month of February; whilst the bay and, as far as we can judge, the whole coast is completely blocked up with ice. The severity of the winter, followed by a severe spring, and the general failure of the seal fishery; and this again succeeded by an ice-bound coast that prevents any supplies from being brought into the harbour, have all added to that poverty which has long oppressed the inhabitants of Bonavista; and they are at this moment in circumstances of great distress.

 In .fact, the cries of distress, bordering on actual starvation, are truly appalling. During the winter, whole families have been necessitated to live upon potatoes and salt, with scarcely any other article of food; and the extreme severity of the frost have destroyed a great number of potatoes. Two persons are reported to have fainted away from hunger,o while the wan countenances, and debilitated constitutions of others, though in the prime of life, render them objects of the greatest commiseration ...Some families are now subsisting entirely on a small pittance of Government bread, issued under the direction of the Committee. But this resource must soon be exhausted; and as no provisions can be obtained from the merchants' stores, should navigation be interrupted only for a short time longer, the consequences to many is likely to be serious. " the midst of poverty our members continue steadfast.

Our chapel on Sabbath evening is well filled. Our prayer meetings in private houses, which we have held two every week during the winter, have been usually crowded".

Sunday, 27 May, 1832... The ice is still in our bay,. and in consequence of the impediment it offers to navigation, our people are reduced to great distress, and famine begins to be felt amongst us.

Sunday, June 3 ...Another week has passed on, and no appearance of a clear coast. Yesterday, the wind came to the east and still continues to blow violently from the east to southeast; so that the ice that was in the bay is driven up with greater force than before.

Monday, June 4 ...Almost every day some instance occurs of cattle dying from want of food,. and report states that nine horses died from the same cause last night ...almost every stock of provisions is nearly exhausted. The Government provisions are all expended. The potatoes which were our only dependence, are also almost all gone,. and there is only one store that contains any provisions, and that only a very small quantity. There is now a schooner in sight that has been in the ice for six weeks. Some of the crew walked ashore today, and report that their companions are almost perishing with cold and hunger. " Holwell


                                                                                                                                                                John Miles Headstone


       He married Elizabeth Etsell, Jan 02,1821 in Bonavista NF, born July, 1799 in Bonavista, NF, (daughter of William Etsell born about 1762 died Feb 23, 1831 Bonavista NF and married Oct 31, 1803 Jane Butler) baptized Dec 26,1806, died April 09, 1899 in Bonavista, NF.  Elizabeth: A interesting fact from Frances Rowsell. Elizabeth died April 9, 1899 just three months short of her 100 birthday. This would make her born July 1799. See below daughter Jane Miles Brown Obituary.(From this I deduced she was born the month of July.)






          3.          i        William Miles b. 1822.

                4.          ii       James Miles b. 1824.

                5.          iii      John Miles b. 1827.

                6.          iv      Thomas Miles b. 1830.

                7.          v       George Miles b. 1832.

                8.          vi      Samuel Miles b. 1834.

                             vii     Marianne Miles, born 1836, baptized Oct 14,1836 in Bonavista, NF, died Oct 19, 1836 in Bonavista, NF.  Note from Frances -Marianne died at 3 weeks of age.

                             viii    Joseph Miles, born 1837, baptized Oct 29,1837 in Bonavista NF, died Sept 24,1912 in Bonavista, NF.

                             ix      Jane Miles, born 1840 in Bonavista, NF, baptized April 06,1840 in Bonavista, NF. Died ab 1913 in Bonavista NF.  She married George Brown of Kings Cove.

                                      Copy of an Obit for Jane Miles Brown that I received from Frances. It was a newspaper Clipping found in Gladys Miles Rowsell’s Bible.

                                “We regret to have to record the passing of two loyal and devoted church workers.

Mrs. George Brown, who had married at King's Cove, on the death of her husband returned to her native place, and forthwith threw herself heart and soul into the work of the Women's Association. At the same time, she devoted herself to her aged mother and brother. The mother, Mrs. Elizabeth Miles, stayed with us strong in mind and spirit till within three months of one hundred years of age. The brother, Mr. Joseph Miles died during last summer. And now, suddenly almost, after a sharp attack of pneumonia Mrs. Brown, Aunt Jane, has been taken away. She bequeathed more than $100 towards a memorial to her father and mother, to be placed on the altar of Christ Church. "



                             x       Henry Miles, born 1843, baptized Aug 06, 1843 in Bonavista, NF.  Frances had Harold or Harry I had Henry ?

                             xi      Thirza Miles, born 1845, baptized Dec 28, 1845 in Bonavista, NF.  According to marriage record Thirza age 33 married Dec 12, 1880. William Burton age 35.


                                      She married William Burton, Dec 12, 1880.


                             xii     Elizabeth Miles, born 1848, baptized Oct 04,1848 in Bonavista NF.



                                                                                                             Third Generation


3. William Miles, (2.John2, 1.James1) born 1822 in Bonavista, NF, baptized Dec 01, 1822 in Bonavista, NF, died June 27,1899 in Bonavista NF.  From some info I found in a in a directory 1894-97. William Sr. Miles was a Fisherman. William and Jane Sherhan Miles had 8 children..


“William's exact date of birth is clouded somewhat by conflicting records but it appears safe to say that his baptism occurred on 1 Dec 1822 at Christ Church, Bonavista. Jane was about three years his junior. Growing up in the very difficult 1820s and 30s, it can be assured that William's and Jane's childhood were not ones of carefree leisure and fun. Neither the Miles nor Shirran surnames have been found in any lists of benevolent individuals fortunate enough to donate to churches, schools or the like. In 1832 William was a boy of about ten years, the oldest in his family, and probably felt the pains of hunger more than once during this particularly severe Newfoundland winter. Despite the harsh conditions though, there was some respite for the children through church activities and the newly founded education program.


By the end of the 1820s, education at Bonavista had become finally established, and both major religious denominations, the Church of England and Methodists, each had a full time minister. Beginning in 1826 under the tutalage of a Mr. and Mrs. Meek, a full time day school opened which averaged between one to two hundred students over the next several years. A new school was built in 1830, and Sunday School was well attended. A Friday Evening Bible Class was also regularly attended by about 100 children and young adults.


By the time William became a young man, things were looking more promising in Bonavista. The fishery had improved and in 1843 a new lighthouse built on Cape Bonavista finally gave mariners some guidance along the foggy and ice-bound shores. In 1849, William and Jane married. The service took place at Christ Church on I Dec 1849 and was conducted by Bertram Jones. Standing as witnesses were John Miles and Jane Squires. Their daughter, Emma May, was born in 1850.


The research of Jack and Frances Rowsell revealed that Jane's name was listed as Skiffington in the Church of England marriage register at Bonavista, but through Jack's own family tradition, her name was known to have been Shirran. It is presumed that Skiffington may have been Jane's surname by a previous marriage. By the end of the 1860s, the family of William and Jane had grown to include nine children. With the exception of Emma May and Mary, records have been found indicating that all reached adulthood. Few details have been collected on most of the children. It is known that before marrying Arthur Miles, Orusilla Templeman was the widow of a man named Mifflin and Leonard moved to Catalina where he became a tinsmith.

It appears conclusive that William died when he was 77 years of age, although there seems to be some conflict whether the year he died is 1893 or 1899. A letter from Jack and Frances Rowsell in April 1994 indicated that he was buried on 23 Jun 1899. Another letter received from them in January 1996 states that according to his headstone at the Anglican cemetery at Bonavista, William died on 27 Jun 1893. This later reference would have William born five years before his parents marriage. It should also be noted that William' s baptism occurred on I Dec 1822. Although confirmation is required, it would appear likely that William died on 23 Jun 1899 and was buried four days later on the 27th. Jane lived for approximately another 22 months, passing away on 4 May 1901 in her 76th year.” Holwell




       He married Jane Shirran, Dec 01, 1849 in Bonavista, NF, (daughter of William Sherhan and Mary Lush) baptized Sept 28, 1828 in Bonavista, NF, died May 04, 1901 in Bonavista, NF.  Jane: I have found out from Frances Rowsell that even though the marriage records show Jane's maiden name as Skeffington.(She may have been previously married). She was really a Jane Sherhan (Shirran, Sheraing, Shering) Baptized Sept 28, 1828. Her parents William Shirran baptized Jan 30, 1800 born 1796 and Mary Lush baptized Jan 14, 1800 born 1799. William Shirran parents were Samuel Shearing and Elizabeth. Samuel and Elizabeth Shearing had 9 children I found John, Elizabeth, Ann, Mary, William, Mary, Jane, Alice, and Martha. (Shearing's came from England 1792).   Mary Lush's parents were John Lush and Mary Simmonds married in Bonavista Jan 14, 1800.(Also note Mary was baptized same day Jan 14, 1800).John Lush and Mary Simmonds had 5 children I found Mary b 1794 d 1795, Mary (ours), Elizabeth, John, and Ann.




                             i        Emma Ann Miles, baptized Dec 15,1850 in Bonavista NF.

                             ii       Mary Miles, baptized Jan 02,1853 in Bonavista, NF.

                             iii      Samuel Miles, born Aug 09,1855.married Leah Elliot had 3 children known (1.Reginald John b. 1894 d.1969 married Margaret White b 1910 d1970). 2.Gertrude and 3.William.

                                                                                                                                                Obituary for Reginald John Miles-Sent to me from Frances

                                                                                                                                                R.J. Miles-Bonavista-On March 25th, R. J. Miles passed peacefully away while watching television, and with his death Bonavista lost a loyal citizen. A man who was

                                                                                                                      ever mindful of the history of the town and spent the greater part of his life collecting data and relics of historical value. An avid reader

                                                                                                                      and possessed with a excellent memory, Mr. Miles was always ready to talk to anyone, both old and young, when they were seeking information.

                                                      greatest contact with the public was through his occupation as Librarian. In March 1945 the regional library was opened at Bonavista, and Mr. Miles

                                                      was appointed as librarian, a position he held until he became ill at Christmas 1968. The first library opened in a surgery of the late Dr. C.A.Forbes,

                                                      was later moved to a building owned by the late Stewart Templeman, until the present building was officially opened in 1952. During his twenty four

                                                      years as librarian he had corresponded with persona and companies from all parts of the globe, gathering historic information and items. A couple of years

                                                      ago he brought part of his collection to the library and opened a small museum, which has been a source of much interest to visitors who come to

                                                      the library. In his younger days he was a teacher, and also served with the Newfoundland Railway as mailman on the train. An active member of the

                                                      Anglican Church, he served on all committees for a number of years, was lay delegate to Synod, and in 1965 resigned his position of church warden,

                                                      after having held that position for over 20 years. A man of many qualities, he will be missed from behind the desk at the Bonavista Memorial Library,

                                                      especially by the children to whom he was always attentive. Mr. Miles was 74 years of age. He leaves to mourn his widow Margaret; also one sister

                                                      Gertrude Garland of St. John’s and a number of nephews and nieces Internment took place in the Anglican cemetery with Rev.F.R. Oake

                                                      the burial service.


                             iv      Edward Butler Miles, baptized Dec 20, 1857.

                9.          v       William Thomas Miles b. 1859.

                             vi      Arthur Miles, born Jan 01,1862 in Bonavista, NF, baptized Feb 23,1862 in Bonavista, NF, died Oct 14, 1938 in Bonavista, NF.


                                      He married Drucilla Templeman, Feb 16, 1904 in Bonavista, NF, born Oct 22, 1864 in Bonavista, NF, died June 18, 1957 in Bonavista, NF.


                             vii     Victoria Miles, baptized July 17,1864.


                                      She married John Drake, Sept 24,1887 in Bonavista NF.


                             viii    Leonard Miles, baptized Dec 25, 1866 in Bonavista NF. He was born Spillers Cove. However it listed his parents as William and Jane Miles. Verified he belonged to this family below in a letter written From Jessie Miles Fitzgerald to mom.



4.    James Miles, (2.John2, 1.James1) born 1824 in Bonavista, NF, baptized Dec 05,1824 in Bonavista, NF.  Notes from Frances, Witness at wedding George Miles and Flora Little and married by E.A.Sall.


       He married Mary Ann Rolls, Dec 22, 1853 in Bonavista, NF.



                             i        Jane May Miles, baptized May 19, 1855 in Bonavista.

                             ii       Ameila Miles, baptized Aug 16,1857 in Bonavista.

                             iii      John Miles, baptized Nov 21, 1859.

                             iv      Joseph Rolls Miles, baptized Oct 06, 1861 in Bonavista.

                             v       Jane Elizabeth Miles, baptized Oct 28,1863 in Bonavista.

                             vi      Jessie Miles, baptized Nov 07,1868 in Bonavista.


5.    John Miles, (2.John2, 1.James1) born 1827, baptized Aug 05, 1827 in Bonavista, NF. John Holwell is a great great Grandson of John Miles and Flora Little. Through Dougald Miles.


       He married Flora Little, May 14,1854 in Bonavista, NF.



                10.        i        George Miles.

                             ii       Maria Ann Miles, baptized Nov 03, 1856 in Bonavista.

                             iii      Elizabeth Miles, baptized Nov 14, 1858 in Bonavista.

                             iv      Thomas Littles Miles, baptized Nov 13, 1860 in Bonavista.

                             v       Dougald Miles, baptized Dec 25, 1865 in Bonavista. married Sarah Jane Ryder. From Frances

                                                Dougald Miles

                                                Died 17 Oct 1944, age 79 yrs

                                                Also his wife

                                                Sarah Jane

                                                Died 23 October 1945, age 75 yrs                                         

                                                “Father in thy Gracious Keeping                                                                                                          

                                                Leave we now thy servants sleeping”

                             vi      Helen Miles, baptized Feb 16, 1865 in Bonavista, NF.

                             vii     Eli Miles, baptized Oct 02,1870 in Bonavista.

                             viii    Irene Miles, baptized May 04, 1873 in Bonavista.



6.    Thomas Miles, (2.John2, 1.James1) born 1830, baptized Jan 17, 1830 in Bonavista, NF.


       He married Ann Templeton, Jan 04, 1863 in Bonavista, NF.



                             i        Samuel Miles, baptized Dec 13, 1863 in Bonavista.

                             ii       Theodore Miles, baptized Oct 18,1865 in Bonavista.

                             iii      Frederic Miles, baptized Nov 10,1867 in Bonavista.

                             iv      Herbert Joseph, baptized Sep 13, 1870 in Bonavista.

                             v       Elsie Elizabeth Miles, baptized Oct 06, 1872 in Bonavista.



7.    George Miles, (2.John2, 1.James1) born 1832, baptized July 22,1832 in Bonavista NF.


       He married Elizabeth Green, Nov 09,1856 in Bonavista NF, born 1835, (daughter of William Green and Ann Wiseman) baptized July 19, 1835 in Bonavista, NF, died Mar14,1911 in Bonavista, NF.



                             i        Anne Elizabeth Miles, baptized Nov 06, 1859 in Bonavista.

                             ii       William Green Miles, baptized Apr 27, 1862 in Bonavista.

                             iii      Henry Miles, baptized Nov 04, 1864 in Bonavista.

                             iv      Adeline Green Miles, baptized Dec 10,1865 in Bonavista.

                             v       Ann Marie Miles, baptized Oct 09, 1870 in Bonavista.

                             vi      James Miles, baptized Jan 14, 1872.

                             vii     Namoi Miles, baptized May 17, 1874 in Bonavista.

                             viii    Dorcas Ellen Miles, baptized Feb 13, 1876 in Bonavista.- Information and photo’s below on Dorcas Family sent to me Oct 2010 via Mary Russell a ggrandaughter of Dorcas Miles Porter. Many thanks to Mary-for sharing information on her side of the Family.

                                                                                                                                           Henry & Dorcas Porter.JPG


Dorcas Ellen Miles of Elliston, Bonavista married Henry Thomas Porter in 1900 in Curling Newfoundland.  Henry was born May 12, 1876 in Elliston, Newfoundland and died January 14, 1945 in Curling Newfoundland.  Even though he had the Porter name his father was Joseph Crewe and his mother was Elizabeth Porter.  Henry lost his father before he was born due to shipwreck and his mother at birth.  He was adopted by his Uncle Samuel Porter and wife Charlotte Tucker. Unfortunately they could only keep him until he was nine due to financial issues; he then lived with a Judge Rowsell until about 19 years old.”

                               Dorcas and Henry Porter’s Children-

                                                  -Annetta (Annette) Ann Porter-She was born on April 30, 1902 in NF. She married Zacariah Park and lived in Mt. Moriah, NF.

                                                                          When she became ill she was shipped off to St. John’s where she died on Apr 05, 1936. (THIS IS Mary Russell’s Grandmother)

                                                            -Blanford Darius Porter- He was born May 1, 1903 and died Aug. 14, 1960. He married Rachel Hunt.

                                                                                    (Darius is pronounced Da ri us.  I made the mistake of pronouncing the name Dar e us and was corrected by one of my uncles.)

                                                            -Henry Herbert Porter- He was born Oct 18, 1905 and died Sept 23, 1952 . He married Lillian May Allen 

                                                            - Myrtle Porter-She was born Sept 8, 1909 and died Oct 24, 1981.  She married Lester Allen.

                                                            They had a grocery and dry goods store at Petreis Crossing, Curling, Newfoundland for many years.  The family still runs Allen’s fisheries on the West Coast of Newfoundland

                                                            -Mable Matilda Porter-(nic name Aunt Till) She was born Oct 26, 1911 and died Dec 27, 1977.  She married Ralph Ellsworth born 1911 and died in 1996.

                                                                                                            They ran a little grocery and dry goods store in Mt. Moriah.

                                                            -Gertrude Naomi Porter- She was born Mar. 30, 19__ and is the only remaining child. She live in Ontario. She married Frank Barrett.

                                                                        Web site of Mary’s Great Aunt Gertrude’s grandson.

                                                            -Margaret Irene Porter- She was born in Dec 31, 1917 and died Mar 24, 1983. ”



                                                                             IMG_0064rotated cropped.jpg




8.    Samuel Miles, (2.John2, 1.James1) born 1834, baptized Nov 16, 1834 in Bonavista, NF.


       He married Mary Mifflen, Dec 09, 1869 in Bonavista, NF.



                             i        Ann Darling Miles, born Jan 01,1872 in Bonavista.

                             ii       Agnes Jane Miles, born May 10,1874 in Bonavista.

                             iii      Felix Miles, born Oct 03,1875 in Bonavista.

                             iv      Gilbert Miles, born July 29, 1877 in Bonavista.

                             v       Mary Elizabeth Miles, born April 10, 1879 in Bonavista.

                             vi      Ann Darling Miles, born Nov 27, 1881 in Bonavista.


Fourth Generation


William Thomas Miles, (3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born 1859 in Bonavista, NF, baptized Nov 20, 1859, died Sept 20,1943 in Bonavista, NF, buried in Bonavista, NF Old Anglican Cemetery.  From Directory North of Walkams Bridge 1894-97 William of William was a Fisherman then in 1904 William was a carpenter. It was thought that William was born in 1861. According to his death date and records he was suppose to be 82. However According to baptism record he was baptized in 1859???????? However his Uncle George had a son William Green Miles who was baptized April 1862. So it is possible that George is his father and not William or he is 2 yrs older.   I have since had confirmation that William Thomas Miles that married Margaret Peters is William Miles son and not his brother George's.(Frances Rowsell) Also from Frances "He giveth his beloved sleep"  was written on William and Margaret’s head stone.            William was a fisherman most of his life and carpenter before 1904. It is believed he helped build the New Church of England in Bonavista The cornerstone of the concrete church was laid in 1926 and completed in 1931. Early records indicate that back in 1723 there were 400 people in Bonavista belonging to the Church of England (Anglican). Records indicate that C of E Churches were built in Bonavista in 1730, 1822, 1862, 1931 and the present church built in 1980.   William had lost his eyesight in later years. From Margaret’s Obituary his granddaughter Margaret looked after them both until death.



                     Church of England that William Miles had hand in building started 1926 completed 1931.


                                                                                                                               To Father and Mother

                                                                                                                  William S. Miles

                                                                                                                        Died Sep 20, 1943 age 82

                                                                                                                        Margaret Miles

                                                                                                                        Died March 10, 1940 age 76 yrs

                                                      “He givieth his beloved sleep”
                             Home of William and Margaret Peters Miles                                                        




       He married Margaret Peters, Jan 31,1886 in Bonavista, NF, born Feb 14, 1864 in Melrose NF, (daughter of Philip Peters and Mary Haley) died March 02,1940 in Bonavista, NF, buried March 10,1940 in Bonavista, NF Old Anglican Cemetery.  Margaret: She was born Catholic however when she married, she was married Anglican. Therefore her birth records were literally wiped from Catholic records. I found from Frances Rowsell that her grandparents were Philip Peters and Anastasia Marner. Philip and Anastasia were married in Raggs Harbour now Melrose NF on Dec 21, 1816.  Philip Peters came from Tipery Ireland and Anastasia came from Waterford, Rexford ,Ireland.  Philips Father was possibly Thomas Peters and Anastasia’s Parents were Aiden O'Donnell and Mary?        

       I have been going over these dates and believe that we may be missing a generation between (Philip and Anastasia) and (Philip and Mary), Margaret's parents. I will try to explain. Philip Peters Margaret’s dad was alive on 1921 census birth date May 1839 at time 82 yrs old. His wife Mary was 78. According to info from Frances, Philip Peters was born June 07, 1821. Which would make him 100 yrs old in 1921? I think it is highly possible that there is another generation between. When I spoke to Frances she felt that he might have been older than his wife, 19 yrs??  Philip and Mary Haley Peters had 8 children I know of born between 1964 and 1878. Margaret 1864, Philip1866, Thomas, Johanna 1871, Alex 1873, John 1876, James 1877, Mary 1878.  Mary Haley (Margaret’s mother) was baptized Feb 27, 1842 in Bonavista. Mary’s Parents were William Haley and Jane Goodland Haley married Nov 21, 1833. Mary’s grandparents were also William and Jane Gosling Haley (Hayley, Hailey) married Nov 11, 1806.  The Haley's were Anglican's from Bonavista NF. Not sure of origin. The copy of the obituary was sent to me from Frances Rowsell it was a photocopy which I tried to translate below. Sounds like she was a grand lady.



Margaret Peters Miles (Obituary)                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

On Saturday, after….    noon, the… passed to reward one of our highly and respected to..was in a person..of Mrs. William Miles Sr.. the late Mrs. Miles had been ailing for some time. On Friday she suffered a paralytic Stroke but in spite of all medical skill and loving hands could do, she finally succumbed.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                

The late Mrs. Miles was one of nature noblewomen, whose Godly examples and good deeds numbered_______ thousands. She always met worldly troubles with a smile and spoke ill of no one. She was an ardent supporter and member of the Anglican Church and a highly respected member of the C.E.W.A. where her influence was felt and kindly advice given. Fortified by the rites of her church she has now pass beyond the mysterious veil to reap her just reward from the Saviour she loved and served so well during her lifetime. This grand old lady was prior to her marriage, a Miss Peters of Melrose T.B.                                                                                                                                             

She leaves to mourn her passing a loving husband, who has been blind the past few years. To him the loss sustained is a serious one. She also left to mourn her loss five daughters, namely Mrs. Thomas Collier and Mrs. Frank Fitzgerald at Bonavista. Mrs. Harold Rowsell and Mrs. R. Ploughman at St. John’s and Mrs. Hubert Sweetland, residing in the U.S.A. Also two sons are left to mourn namely ..Walter at Halifax, NS and Robert in the U.S.A. besides a large circle of grandchildren and other relatives and friends to whom sincere sympathy is extended.    

Miss Margaret Miles resided with her the past year where she played the part of a good grand daughter, who’s loving hands did all possible for the comfort and well-being of her aged grandparents.                                                                                                     

Interment took place on Sunday March 10th,In the Anglican Cemetery. The Rector Rev. L. Norman officiating. The funeral was largely attended …….. her path to glory and may her sole rest in peace.                                                                                   

           -----A Friend                                                                    


March 11, 1940 




                11.        i        Jessie Amelia Miles b. May 17,1886.

                12.        ii       Emma Ann Miles b. July 01,1888.

                13.        iii      Beatrice Mary Miles b. July 01,1890.

                14.        iv      Gladys Miles b. June 16,1893.

                15.        v       Walter Philip Miles b. Sep 02,1895.

                16.        vi      Arthur Robert Miles b. Oct 18,1897.

                17.        vii     Agnes (Aggie) Jane Miles b. Sept 05,1900.


10.    George Miles, (5.John3, 2.John2, James1) baptized July 10, 1854 in Bonavista.


         He married Emily _____?.



                             i        Irene Miles, born Aug 09,1884.

                             ii       Darvis Stewart Miles, born Feb 18,1885 in Bonavista.

                             iii      John Chesley Miles, born Jan 13, 1891 in Bonavista.



Fifth Generation



9.        Jessie Amelia Miles, (9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born May 17,1886 in Bonavista, NF, baptized May 30,1886.died in 1972. Death year taken from a letter below written to Aunt Polly From Gertrude Strong Miles June 1982.






The letter below was written to Elizabeth from Aunt Jessie Sept 29, 1968 she tells a bit about herself.




         She married Francis Fitzgerald, July 29, 1911 in Bonavista, NF, born in Bonavista, NF.



                             i        John (Jack) Fitzgerald, born Jan 14, 1912 in Bonavista, NF.

                                      He married Margaret Crowley, born in Holyrood, NF.


                             ii       Clem Fitzgerald, born 1914 in Bonavista. NF.

                                      He married Mary Martin, born in Catalina, NF.


                             iii      Clarence Fitzgerald, born 1916 in Bonavista, NF, died 1934 in NF.


                             iv      Margaret Fitzgerald, born Aug 12, 1918 in Bonavista, NF.

                                      She married Nicolas Fleming, born in Spillers Cove, NF.


                             v       Vincent Fitzgerald, born 1921 in Bonavista NF.

                                      He married Blanch Seaward, born in Goosebury Cove, NF.


                             vi      Robert Fitzgerald, born in Bonavista, NF.


                18.        vii     Genevieve Fitzgerald b. Jan 10, 1928.


                             viii    Edward Fitzgerald, born 1923 in Bonavista, NF, died 1976 in NF.

                                      He married Florence Howell, born in St. John's, NF.


                             ix      Bertram Fitzgerald, born April 16, 1925 in Bonavista, NF, died June, 1996 in Canada.

                                      He married Mildred Felton, born in Glovertown, NF.


11. Emma Ann Miles, (9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born July 01,1888 in Bonavista, NF, baptized July 29,1888, died 1983 in Springfield, Mass. In Letter below written to Aunt Polly from Gertrude Strong Miles in 1982. Emma was 94 and Blind couldn’t even recognize her own children. She died the next year at age 95.



         She married Hubert Sweetland, born Jan 10,1885 in Bonavista, NF, baptized Feb 22,1885, died 1965 in Danvers Mass.



                19.        i        Edith Hall Sweetland

                20.        ii       Bertram William Sweetland

                21.        iii      Ruby Kathleen Sweetland

                             iv      Gladys Sweetland, died in Bonavista, NF.  Found in notes Died age 19 yrs and 9 months daughter of Hubert and Emma Sweetland buried at OLD ANGLICAN CEMETERY, BONAVISTA, NEWFOUNDLAND Not sure if Daughter or not.


13.    Beatrice Mary Miles, (9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born July 01,1890 in Bonavista, NF, baptized Oct 16,1890, died Jan 09,1941 in Bonavista, NF.


         She married Thomas Collier, Aug 05, 1913 in Bonavista, NF, died Sept 29, 1955 in St John's Auto accident Topsail rd St. John's.



                             i        Margaret(Sister Maria Mary)Collier, born in Bonavista, NF.

                22.        ii       Gladys Collier

                23.        iii      Una Collier


14.    Gladys Miles, (9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born June 16,1893 in Bonavista, NF, died Dec 02,1971 in Boston, Mass.

                                                                                                                                Photo copy from paper piece missing 9, 1972- from Frances

                                                                                                                                                “Word was received here last week of the death on Dec 02 of Mrs. Gladys Rowsell of West Somerville, Mass at the age of 78 years. She leaves to mourn two sons,

                                                                                                                                                Jack at Medford, Mass and Charlie in Newfoundland; one daughter Eileen ( Babs) Mrs. E.G. Cranford at Melrose, Mass; three sisters Agnes (Mrs. Roland Ploughman)                                                                                                                                 and Mrs. Emily Sweetland in Massachusetts and Mrs. Jessie Fitsgerald at Bonavista; also a number of grandchildren. Her husband Harold predeceased her several years

                                                                                                                                                ago. Interment took place in the U.S.A.”

                                                                                                                                Same page of Paper:

                                                                                                                                                Dear Editor,

                                                                                                                                                                I was saddened recently when I read in the Boston news of the death of Mrs. Gladys Rowsell (nee Gladys Miles) who died at Summerville, Mass USA.,

                                                                                                                                                                December 02, 1971. She was my school teacher when I was thirteen and fourteen years old at Bonavista. She was the best teacher we ever had at the time

                                                                                                                                                                and in life I have always honored her. Please find space to print this final tribute to her.

                                                                                                                                                                                I see her again in memory

                                                                                                                                                                                Walk up the old school floor.

                                                                                                                                                                                A bell she would ring a few seconds

                                                                                                                                                                                Then gently would close the door;

                                                                                                                                                                                She then would read from the scripture

                                                                                                                                                                                And then we would sing a hymn.

                                                                                                                                                                                ‘We love the place oh God

                                                                                                                                                                                Stay with us to life’s end.”

                                                                                                                                                                                She made us feel as one family

                                                                                                                                                                                She taught us the right from wrong.

                                                                                                                                                                                She painted the hill of success very steep.

                                                                                                                                                                                To reach the top keep plodding on;

                                                                                                                                                                                “Don’t be discouraged dear children

                                                                                                                                                                                 For the problems of life you must face.

                                                                                                                                                                                And remember if you should stumble or fall

                                                                                                                                                                                To lie there would be a disgrace.”

                                                                                                                                                                                I see her stand in the old church.

                                                                                                                                                                                With her lover by her side.

                                                                                                                                                                                Singing God’s praise together

                                                                                                                                                                                Before she became his bride.

                                                                                                                                                                                She was upright in every walk of life

                                                                                                                                                                                And I know in Bonavista Town.

                                                                                                                                                                                There are men and women who join with me

                                                                                                                                                                                In sadness because she’s gone.

                                                                                                                                                                                I was a lad about fourteen years old,

                                                                                                                                                                                When she wished me good bye at the train.

                                                                                                                                                                                That was fifty three years ago.

                                                                                                                                                                                We were never to meet again.

                                                                                                                                                                                But we kept in touch by writing letters

                                                                                                                                                                                To forget her I never could.

                                                                                                                                                                                For Stamped in my memory forever

                                                                                                                                                                                Is the image of the teacher that was good.

                                                                                                                                                                                So I write this tribute in sincerity

                                                                                                                                                                                To a teacher and friend of a time,

                                                                                                                                                                                She died in the U.S.A. aged seventy eight

                                                                                                                                                                                In a few days I will be sixty nine.

                                                                                                                                                                                No more she walks by the old school house

                                                                                                                                                                                Or recites the poem “We Are Seven”

                                                                                                                                                                                But I know the door swings open wide,

                                                                                                                                                                                She now sings the triumph song of heaven.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Herbert Keats,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                3 Elizabeth Street


                                                                                                There was also an obituary on the same page of paper May 27, Hubert Keats prominent resident of Windsor, Grandfalls and a former Bonavistonnian, passed away suddenly at his home at age of

                                                                                                                69 years. (I have the full obit although hard to read, he only lived a few months after writing this lovely tribute to Gladys.)






         She married Harold Rowsell, April 11,1917 in Bonavista, NF, born Dec 06, 1891, died Oct 29, 1963 in Somerville, Mass.



                24.        i        William Charles White Rowsell

                25.        ii       Reginald (Rex) Strathie Rowsell

                             iii      Arthur Douglas Rowsell, born Mar 07,1921 in Bonavista NF, died Dec 17, 1942 in Germany  (WW2).

                26.        iv      Harold Robert Rowsell

                27.        v       Phyllis Irene Rowsell

                28.        vi      John (Jack) Strathie Rowsell




15. Walter Philip Miles, (9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Sep 02, 1895 in Bonavista, NFLD, died April 13, 1968 in Alton, NS. Buried in Fort Ellis with second wife Vera Werenka Miles. Walter joined the Royal Newfoundland Regiment on Dec 14, 1914. Served in WW1. Suffered of frostbite and Gas poisoning during his service. He was discharged on May 07, 1919.  He returned home with a wife and daughter. At age 27 he applied for American Citizenship or maybe a working citizenship. His wife and daughter were in living Newfoundland and he in Boston at the time. His occupation at this time was a carpenter. During his stay in Massachusetts he worked on the renovation of Hess House on Good Harbour Beach, Gloucester. By 1933 age 38 Walter was in Halifax Nova Scotia living at 442 Quinpool Road. I assume this is where he met Vera she was also living in Halifax at the time. On March 10, 1939 his first wife Alice passed away. In 1942 age 47 he tried to join the CAF, however he was rejected. At this time his second family was started and 3 children would have been born. By 1943 he was working as an immigration officer in Halifax. His father passed away in Newfoundland in 1943 because Walter and his brother were named in the Will Walter and Gertrude Miles (Roberts Widow) signed a power of attorney February 1945 giving a John Miles power to dispose of property in NF. He was still an immigration officer in 1948. In 1951 the family moved to Milford NS, where Walter and Vera were married in 1953 they had a small farm. Next they moved to a larger farm in Murchyville, NS where he again farmed. They then moved to Birch Hill NS during this time they bought and ran Red and White store in Brookfield NS. Before 1959, they were living in Alton, NS next to Vera’s brother George. Walter enjoyed hunting and Fishing. He had one of his deer heads mounted that he Shot In 1940. Walter lived a couple of years alone after Vera passed away. He died of a heart attack in Alton, NS in 1968 Age (72).   Found Walter age (33) and his first wife Alice age (31) and daughter Margaret age (13) on the 1930 census for Medford USA. Alice from Scotland however her parents both listed as from Northern Ireland. His occupation was listed as Carpenter and Alice listed as waitress



Hess House Good Harbor Beach, Gloucester MA Walter worked on renovation in the 1920’s.




        Walter June 01, 1945                                                                                                                                           


         He married (1) Alice (Sissy) Dodds, Jan 29,1917/8 in Glasgow, Scotland, born in Ayr, Scotland, died Mar 10,1939 in Bonavista, NF.


                             This is a small portion out of Walters Discharge paper with information on Wedding to Alice.



                29.        i        Margaret Miles b. April 1918.


         He married (2) Veronica Werenka, on Jan 19, 1953, born Feb 03,1909 in Romania, (daughter of Alexander  Werenka (Verenca) and Paulina Chiperi) died March 01,1966 in Alton, NS, buried in Fort Ellis ,NS.  Veronica:.








                30.        ii       Elizabeth Marie Miles

                31.        iii      Walter Philip Miles

                32.        iv      Paulina Veronica Miles

                33.        v       Robert Alexander Miles

                             vi      William George Miles  William (Billy) George Miles is unmarried and living Western Canada 2002.


                34.        vii     Sophie Ann Miles b. Dec 01, 1948.


16.    Arthur Robert Miles, (9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Oct 18, 1897 in Bonavista, NF, died after 1939.


         He married Gertrude Strong, born Nov 18, 1896 in NF, died Dec 22, 1988 in Melrose, Ma. Age 92.


                Gertrude Strong Miles 1982                

                                                                                Below excerpt from Letter Written from Gertrude to Aunt Polly June 1982




                35.        i        William(Billy) Ward Miles b. April 28,1924.

                36.        ii       Evelyn Marjorie Miles b. May 20,1926.

                             iii      Arthur Robert Miles, born April 04,1928 in Boston, Ma. Died April 27, 2008 No Children.

                                                                                                                          Arthur Robert Miles Obituary


Of Melrose, formerly of Medford, suddenly April 27, 2008. Brother of the late Evelyn M. Morehouse and William M. Miles. Brother-in-law of George Morehouse of Melrose and Marguerite Miles of Wells, ME. Uncle of Janet Morehouse of Winchester and Sandra Miles and her husband, Gerald Miller of Hampton, NH. Great uncle of Tory Miller of Dover, NH and Holly Miller of Hampton, NH. Funeral Service at the Robinson Funeral Home, 809 Main St., MELROSE Thursday, May 1 at 10 AM. Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. Visiting hours Wednesday 4-8 PM. For obituary, directions and guestbook please visit Robinson Funeral Home Melrose(781) 665-1900

Published in the Boston Globe from 4/28/2008 - 4/30/2008



17.    Agnes (Aggie) Jane Miles, (9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Sept 05,1900 in Bonavista, NF, died Nov 14, 1977 in Medford, Ma.


                                      Aggie and Roland 1943


         She married Roland Ploughman, born Jan 22, 1901 in Greens Harbour, NF, died June 14, 1973 in Malden Mass.



                37.        i        Jean Rosamond Ploughman

                38.        ii       Roy Ploughman .




Sixth Generation



18.    Geniveve Fitzgerald, (11.Jessie5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born in Bonavista, NF.


         She married Ray Drover, Jan 29, 1948 in Bonavista, NF, born Dec 25, 1925 in Grandfalls, NF, died Feb 07, 1996 in Bonavista, NF.




                              i        Yvonne Drover b in Bonavista NF. She married Joseph Kelly. They had 4 children Shawn, Kyla , Trudy and Tracy Kelly.


                              ii       Aden Drover b in Bonavista, NF.

                                      He married Roberta Fleming born in St. John’s NF. They had 2 children Jennifer Drover, Lee Drover 


                             iii      Cynthia Drover b in Bonavista NF.

                                      She married Chesley Hicks they had 4 children Jason born Feb, 1980, Rodney born March 1981, Stephen and Charlotte.






19.     Edith Hall Sweetland, (12.Emma5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Oct 09, 1911 in Bonivista, NF.



         She married Albert Machler, in Cambridge, Ma, born July 28, 1906 in Ma, died Oct 17, 1990 in Springfield, Ma.



                              i        Ronald Machler.

                                      He married Sandra___?, June 03, 1967 in Springfield MA. They had 3 children Mark, Kelly and Kimberly.



                              ii       Linda Machler.

                                      She married John Logan. They had 2 children John Albert Logan and Christine Logan


20.    Bertram William Sweetland, (12.Emma5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Jan 16,1916 in Bonavista, NF, died March 27, 1996 in Arlington, Ma.


         He married Sydwell Cranford, April 23, 1939 in Cambridge, NF, born Mar 10, 1918 in St. John's, NF, died June 23, 1989 in Boston, Ma.



                             i        Betty Loraine Sweetland, born in Summerville, Ma.

                                      She married Harold Mutina, born in Ma.


                              ii       William Sweetland b in Summerville, MA.

                                      He married Jan Smith. They had 2 children Robert Sweetland and Cheryl Sweetland.


He married (2) Laura________?.



21.    Ruby Kathleen Sweetland, (12.Emma5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Aug 26, 1918 in Bonavista, NF, died Oct, 1995 in Brookfield, NH.


         She married George Alton Spencer, in Cambridge, Ma.



                             i        Phyllis Spencer.

                             ii       Robert Spencer.


22.    Glayds Collier, (13.Beatrice5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born June 16, 1915.


         She married George Potts, born in NF.



                              i        Joyce Potts. She married Keith Flexman they had 4 children Heather, Stephen, Kelly and Amy Flexman.


23.    Una Collier, (13.Beatrice5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Oct 14, 1918 in Bonavista, NF.


         She married James Kent.



                             i        Peter James Kent.




24.    William Charles White Rowsell, (14.Glayds5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Feb 18, 1918, died June 05, 1988 in Halifax, NS.



         He married (1) Mary Cooze, ab 1941, born in St John's, NF, died 1945 in St. John's, NF.



                              i        Harold Robert Rowsell b in St. John’s NF Christine Ellen Russell on June 29, 1969 in Medford MA born Dec 02, 1948 in Medford MA. They had a child Stephen Frederick Rowsell  in Charleston, MA


         He married (2) Margaret Ryder  born in Bonavista, NF.


         He married (3) Millicent Higdon, b in St. John's, NF, born in NF.



                             ii       William Charles Rowsell, born in NF.

                                      He married Theresa Rita Thompson, born in NS, Canada.


                              iii      Millicent Regina Rowsell b. NF

                                      She married Mark Stephen Phillipoff. They had 4 children Melissa, Michael, Mathew and Nichole Phillipoff

                                                                                                (Son Michael and common law wife Megan Penny have one son Skylar Phillioff) Information sent to me via email from Stephen Philloff Sep 2008.


                             iv      Barbara Ann Rowsell, born in NF.

                                      She married Henri Gerald Vatour, born in NS, Canada.


                             v       Emily Ellen Rowsell, born in NF.

                             vi      Reginald Strathie Rowsell, born in NF.





25.    Reginald (Rex) Strathie Rowsell, (14.Glayds5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Dec 01,1919 in Bonivista NF, died June 17,1965 in St John’s NF.


         He married Frances Cooke, in St. John's NF, born June 28, 1921 in Twillingate, NF.



                              i        David Rowsell b. in St John’s NF. He married Louis Simmonds born in Grace Harbour, NF. They had 2 children Justin Strathie Rowsell, born in St. John’s NF, Emily Grace Rowsell born in St.John’s NF.

                             ii                 Kenneth Rowsell b in St. Johns NF. He married Mary Cooney born St. John’s NF. They have 2 children Michael Rowsell and Heather Rowsell.



26.    Harold Robert Rowsell, (14.Glayds5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born July 01, 1922 in Bonivista NF, died Nov 08,1966 in Cambridge, Mass.


         He married Bernice Hodder, Oct 11, 1944 in St. John's, NF, born 1922 in Twillinggate NF.



                             i        Douglas Rowsell, born in St. John's, NF.

                             ii       Derek Rowsell, born in St. John's, NF.


27. Phyllis Irene Rowsell, (14.Glayds5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Oct 3, 1923in Bonivista NF. Died Sep 11, 2010.


         She married Edwin Cranford, Apr 25,1948 in Cambridge Mass, born Mar 05,1922 in St. John's, NF, died Sept 24,1981 in Melrose, Mass.



                              i        Susan Cranford b in Cambridge MA. She married Dale Bennan Furr on August 03, 1968 in Melrose MA, born in Rockingham, NC. They had a child John David Furr born in Charlotte, NC.


                             ii       Douglas George Cranford, born in Cambridge, Ma.

                                      He married Joyce Lee Vogt, June 24, 1979 in Danvers, Ma, born in Wakefield, Ma.


                             iii       Judith Cranford b. in Cambridge MA. She married(1)John Ralph Melchionno on May 25, 1972 in Melrose MA. They had John Anthony Mechionno/McInnes b. in Melrose, MA. He married Catherine Thompson, born in Nebraska. They had a child Asher Anthony McInnes, in Nebraska.

                                       She married (2)Robert Alan McInnes on April 17, 1977 in Melrose MA born Apr 17, 1949 in Denver Co, died Aug 22, 1996 in MA.


                             iv      Richard Edwin Cranford, born in Melrose, Ma.

                                      He married Laura Jennings, May 29, 1982 in Cambridge, Ma, born in Ipswich, Ma.


                              v       Elaine Cranford b in Melrose MA. She married Richard Parsons on April 18, 1975 in Melrose MA, Born in Melrose, MA. They had 4 children Lisa Lee Parsons born in Melrose, MA, Simeon James Parsons born in Melrose MA, Samuel Thomas Parsons born in Melrose MA and Dale Henry Parsons born in Malden MA.


                              vi      Laura Cranford b in Melrose MA She married Martin Finnigan on March 17, 1979 born in Boston MA. They had 2 children Jennifer Lynn b in Melrose MA and Stephanie Marie Finnigin.

                             vii     Jeffery Alan Cranford Melrose MA He married Cheryl Ann Harper, May 02, 1982 in Melrose, MA born. They had 4 children born in Stoneham MA Alicia Ryan, Jason Adam b, Megan Eileen b and Andrew Edwin Cranford.


                                                                                                                                                                                       P. Eileen   Cranford

Mrs. P. Eileen (Rowsell) Cranford, of Melrose, went to be with the Lord on Saturday morning September 11, 2010 at the Jewish Rehabilitation Center in Swampscott. She was 86 years old.

Mrs. Cranford was born October 3, 1923 in Bonavista, Newfoundland, a daughter of the late Harold Rowsell and Gladys (Miles) Rowsell.

She was raised in Newfoundland, graduated from Newfoundland High School and settled in Melrose, MA to raise her family. Mrs. Cranford was an active member of Trinity Church for many years where she was president of the Altar Guild and taught Sunday School. She was a Past Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star, Melrose Chapter #14 Order of the Eastern Star and a member of the Demolay Mother’s Circle. She served on the Advisory Board for the Melrose Assembly #7, Rainbow Girls and as a den mother for the Cub Scouts. Mrs. Cranford was a seamstress, an “Avon lady” and a member of the Double or Nothing Club. Mrs. Cranford also found time to provide childcare for working mothers in the Melrose area.

Eileen was the beloved wife of the late Edwin G. Cranford with whom she shared 33 years of marriage. Devoted mother of Susan and Dale Furr of Rockingham, NC, Douglas G. and Joyce Cranford of Salem, Judith McInnes and Michael Harland of FL, Richard E. Cranford and Laura Jennings-Cranford of Charlestown, Elaine and Richard Parsons of Melrose, Laura and Martin Finigian of Melrose, and Jeffrey A. and Cheryl Cranford of Wilmington. Dear sister of the late Charlie, Douglas, Rex, Bert and Jack Rowsell. Loving sister-in-law of Frances Rowsell of VA and Doris Floyd of Burlington. Cherished grandmother of John David and Carrie, John Anthony, Lisa, Simeon, Samuel, Dale, Jennifer, Stephanie, Alicia and Justin, Jason, Meghan and Andrew. Also survived by 7 loving great-grandchildren and many nieces and nephews.

Funeral Service at Trinity Church, 131 W. Emerson St., Melrose, Wednesday, September 15 at 10 AM . Relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend. Visiting hours at the Robinson Funeral Home, 809 Main St., Melrose on Tuesday from 4 – 8 PM. Interment in Pine Hill Cemetery, Tewksbury. Gifts in Eileen’s memory may be made to A Servant's Heart Food Pantry, c/o Faith Evangelical Church, 200 Franklin St, Melrose, MA 02176. For online tribute, directions or to send a condolence, visit


Tuesday September 14
4:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Robinson Funeral Home
809 Main Street
Melrose, MA 02176

Funeral Service:

Wednesday September 15
10:00 AM
Trinity Church
131 West Emerson Street
Melrose, MA 0217

Create An Online Memorial For P. Eileen Cranford

Thanks for all the years of happy memories - Eastern Star.and the special
friendship that we had. From our hearts! Verna and Larry

Posted by: Verna and Larry Boyd Stoneham,
MA - Friends   Sep 18, 2010

Dear Laura and Family,
We are deeply sadden to hear about Eileen, she was our beacon when we were with OES. Eileen will be remember for her patients, her arts and crafts as well as the caring giving woman she was. our thoughts are with you and your family

Posted by: Joan & Teddie Costas Melrose,
MA - friends   Sep 18, 2010

Laura, Marty, Jennifer, and Stephanie:

Please accept my deepest sympathy for the loss of your mother and grandmother.

My love and prayers are with you all at this time \.

Beverly Finigian

Posted by: Beverly Finigin North Reading,
MA   Sep 14, 2010

Dear Susan and family,
We were so sorry to learn of your mother's passing. I started just about all my shcool days from your mom's home. I will forever remember how your dad and mom would kiss each other goodby in
the morning with such passion. WOW!.. My deepest sympathy to your entire family.....

Albie and Liz Brown

Posted by: Elizabeth W. Brown Melrose,
MA - friend   Sep 13, 2010

Dear Doug, Joyce and Family. We are deeply sorry for your loss of you dear mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. We share in your love and are thinking of all of you. We will remember her with a smile on our faces as we speak of nicer times. Continue to tell stories of her life and times together as a family. Love, Richie and Marcy

Posted by: Richie and Marcy Mignosa Bridgton,
ME - friends of Doug and Joyce   Sep 13, 2010

Elaine and the rest of the Cranford family,

I was so sorry to read of the passing of your mother. I have many fond memories of your mother from my childhood on Boardman Ave. Whether swimming in your pool, climbing the trees in your yard (they were the tallest!) playing Barbies on your porch, making acorn rings on the front walkway, or having one of the many sleepovers in your living room, Mrs. Cranford always made us feel welcome. I remember her voice calling me to come in when I would appear at your back door. Her voice was very distinct and calming. While many of the neighorhood mothers went back to work , your Mom was always there. May the wonderful memories you carry in your hearts bring you peace during these next few days and always. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Doreen (Deede Babcock) Duhaime

Posted by: Doreen Duhaime Manchester ,
NH   Sep 13, 2010

The Cranford house was a bustling place and Mrs. Cranford (we called them Mr and Mrs in those days), always had room for one more. No matter how busy she was she found time for everyone, and never came to the door without a smile on her face, or a hug in her heart. To Susan, Douglas, Judy, Elaine, Laura, Richard and Jeffrey (did I remember the proper order?) may my fond memories and yours, remain with us always. I know you all know how lucky you were.

Posted by: Janice Gibbons Miller Pleasanton,
CA - neighbor   Sep 13, 2010

So sorry to read about your Mom. I remember her fondly from Rainbow. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

Posted by: Elizabeth Down Gondek Auburn,
ME   Sep 12, 2010

My condolences to the family of P Eileen Cranford.. Eileen was like a mom to me.. someone to talk to .. i remember doing crafts at Eileens for the Eastern star fair years ago .. She even made me my Installation gown one yr.. she was a very remarkable women she will be missed by all even Eastern Star.... Rest in Peace Eileen Hugsss ♥

Posted by: Kathy Graham - friend    Sep 12, 2010




28.    John (Jack) Strathie Rowsell, (14.Glayds5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born in Bonivista, NF. Jack passed away May 12,2004

                                                                Note mom made while talking to Frances Feb 2007

                                                                She (Frances) is well, her husband Jack passed away May 12, 2004

                                                                He had bladder cancer. Jack had circulation problems

                                                                It was discovered he suffered from epilepsy when he was 67, it affected him only mildly. It began to get worse at 75.

                                                                When he was 78 had a seizure and fell while coming up the basement stairs. He went into a coma and never recovered.

                                                                It is strange that his mother Gladys also developed epilepsy at age 67 and died when she was 78.


         He married Frances Crewe Louise Lewis, Mar 11, 1951 in Somerville, Ma, born in Arlington, Mass. Looks like according to sister in law Eileen Cranford’s Obit Sep 2010 Frances living in Virginia.



                              i        Valerie Louise Rowsell

                                      She married 1) Michael Scott Hamilton, Sept 13, 1971 in Arlington MA. Born May 06, 1950 in Cambridge MA, Died June 05, 1996 in Cambridge MA. They had 4 children Michael Scott Hamilton born in Brighton, MA, John Robert Hamilton Born in Arlington MA, Brian James Hamilton born in Waltham, MA

                                      She married (2) Kenneth Sumner Feb 14, 1987 in Lowell MA born in Stoneham MA. They had 2 children twins Thomas Eli Sumner, Matthew Charles Sumner born. Norfolk VA.


                             ii       Karen Ann Rowsell, born in Cambridge Mass. Karen divorced and changed her name to Karen Peters.


                                      She married Edward Mowrey, Jan 08, 1983 in Cambridge, Mass, born in St. Louis, Mo.



29.    Margaret Miles, (15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born April 1918 in Scotland, died Nov 27, 1960 in Prince Rupert, BC.  Death Record Margaret S. Connington Nov 27, 1960 Prince Rupert BC age 42 found BC Archives #1960-09-014131/Rollb 13249 Gsu microfilm# 2033347. From this information she has middle initial S.


         “To Daddy with love from wee Maggie With Best Love 10,05,1918”

         She married James Connington. Ab. 1946 in Cape Breton N.S.



                             i        Patricia Connington. Patricia has 2 children Paul Lovatt and Jennifer Lovatt.

                                      She married Stanley Lovatt,

                             ii       Richard Connington.

                             iii      Philip Connington. has a boy and girl.


30. Elizabeth Marie Miles, (15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born in Halifax, NS.



         She married (1) Vernon Ellis Scott, Oct 23,1959 in Middle Musquodoboit, NS, born July 20,1936 in Murchyville, NS, (son of John Permenas Scott and Sarah Amelia Bell) died July 31,1971 in Chaswood, NS, buried Aug 03,1971 in Pioneer Cemetery, Musquodoboit, NS.  Vernon: Died in car accident Chaswood, NS.



                39.        i        Sandra Elizabeth Scott.

                40.        ii       Pauline Doris Scott.


She married (2) Franklin Burton Fox, Nov 05, 1988 in Middle Musquodoboit, NS.






31.    Walter Philip Miles, (15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1)


         He married Pearl Geraldine Henwood, born Feb 23,1945 in Truro, NS, died Jan 28,1999 in Truro, NS.


                                                                                                                        Pearl Miles and Katherine Ann Miles




                41.        i        Katherine Anne Miles.

                42.        ii       Bonnie Lee Miles.

                             iii      Heather Marie Miles.

                             iv      Jennifer Lynn Miles.

                             v       Mary Elizabeth Miles.


                                      She married Sean MacDonnell, Oct 13, 2001 in Dartmouth, NS.


                             vi      Walter Philip Miles.









32.    Paulina Veronica Miles, (15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1).


         She married Donald Oscar Hayes born March 29,1941 Died May 21,2004


Donald O. Hayes, 63


Donald O. Hayes, 63, husband of Pauline (Miles) Hayes, of Gloucester, died Friday, May 21, at his home surrounded by his loving family following a lengthy illness.

Born in Lowell and raised in Gloucester, he was the son of Oscar and Dorothy (Bartlow) Hayes.

He attended Gloucester schools and was a longtime resident of Long Beach.

He served in the Marine Corps. He retired from New England Power Service Co. after 25 years. He was a life member of the Gloucester Fraternity Club.

He was a caring, generous and loving person. He will be missed by his many special friends and neighbors.

In addition to his wife, he is survived by four daughters, Donna Soper of Beverly, Gina Erickson and her husband Carl of Hillsboro, Brittney and Kaylie Hayes, both of Gloucester;

three sons, Michael Hayes of Brookline, Donald Jr. and Brodie Hayes, both of Gloucester; eight grandchildren, Sara Enslow, Matthew Enslow, Collin Adams, Lily Erickson, Olivia Pearl Erickson,

Miles Erickson, Reed Erickson and Quinn Erickson; two brothers, Kenneth Hayes and his wife, Madelyn, and Wayne Hayes, all of Gloucester;

special friends Paul and Diane Mellow and family of Raynham; and many nieces, nephews, godchildren and cousins.

There will be no visiting hours. A funeral Mass will be held Friday, May 28, at 10:30 a.m. at Our Lady of Good Voyage Church. Burial will follow at Beechbrook Cemetery in Gloucester.


Death notices


HAYES -- Of Gloucester, May 21, 2004, Donald O. Hayes, 63, husband of Pauline (Miles) Hayes, father of Donna Soper, Gina Erickson, Brittney, Kaylie, Michael, Donald Jr. and Brodie Hayes.

There will be no visiting hours. A funeral Mass will be held Friday, May 28, at 10:30 a.m. at Our Lady of Good Voyage Church. Burial will follow at Beechbrook Cemetery in Gloucester.




                43.        i        Gina Catherine Hayes.

                             ii       Donald Oscar Jr. Hayes.

                                      He married Amy Ellen Watson May 26, 1989. They later divorced.


                             iii      Kaylie Loren Hayes.

                             iv      Brittney Jean Hayes.

                             v       Brodi Michael Wayne Hayes.




33.    Robert Alexander Miles, (15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1)


         He married Thelma Hiaffea Maria McAllister, born in Sudbury, Ontario.



                44.        i        Michael Robert Miles




34.    Sophie Ann Miles, (15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Dec 01, 1948 died Oct 11, 2008.


                                                         image069                                                                    image048                                                                              

I have walked, I have discovered, I have learned…

I have embraced all of these experiences with who I am:

                                                                                                                                                                                                            I am strength ~ I face adversity with the courage of a lion, and clear the path for all who may follow

                                                                                                                                                                                                              I am wisdom ~ I listen with unbiased ears, and guide my friends along their chosen paths

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I am integrity ~ I speak from the heart, and believe what I speak

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                I am love ~ I give all of me to those I love, and their happiness is my reason



                                                                                                                                O'NEILL, Sophie Anne (Miles)


         O'NEILL, Sophie Anne - Loving mother, sister and friend, passed away in her home in Halifax on October 11, 2008. Sophie was born in Halifax on December 1, 1948, a daughter of Walter Phillip and Vera (Werenka) Miles; sister to Elizabeth, Phillip, Robert, Pauline and Billy. She lived her life in Halifax, devoted to her family; late husband, Ronnie; son and daughter, Andrew and Melanie. Sophie was a long-time employee of the Halifax School board. Her dedication to her work, and the community at Burton Ettinger will long be remembered. She will be greatly missed by the staff, students and her coworkers and friend, Kathy. Sophie's positive spirit and selfless nature were with her every day. She loved all forms of life and was always surrounded by her cats and dogs. Her love will never be forgotten by her four legged companion, Maggie. Sophie possessed an amazing energy and enthusiasm for life. She loved music books and learning. Sophie was exceptionally creative and enjoyed photography, drawing, sewing, crafts and gardening. Most of all, she liked sharing all she did with her son, daughter and siblings. She was a wonderful mother and friend to her children. She made everyone's world a better one and her beautiful spirit will remain with us always. Memorial service and reception will be held on Saturday, October 18 at 1 p.m. in L'Acadie Vineyard, 310 Slayter Rd., Gaspereau Valley, Wolfville. Donations may be made in memory to the NS SPCA, 1600 Bedford Hwy., Suite 422, Bedford, NS B4A 1E8. E-mail condolences to:


         She married Ronald James O'Neill, Dec 16, 1973 in Alton, NS, born July 12, 1947 in Halifax, NS, (son of Douglas O'Neill and Ann Payton) died Oct 28, 1995 in Halifax, NS.



                             i        Melanie Alexis O'Neill.

                             ii       Andrew Ronald O'Neill.





35.    William(Billy) Ward Miles, b. April 28,1924 d. Fall 2003  (16.Arthur5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born April 28,1924 in Boston, Mass.


        Walter Philip Miles with William Ward Miles 1924


He married Marguerite Virginia Schnare, born Dec 29, 1923 in Lunenburg, NS.



             i            Sandra Marguerite Miles b. in Medford Mass. She married Gerald Miller, born in Gofftown NH. They had 2 children Tory Levi Miller , born in Exeter, NH. and Holly Christine Miller , born in Exeter NH.







36.    Evelyn Marjorie Miles, (16.Arthur5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born May 20,1926 in Boston, Ma.


         She married George Moorehouse.  George: His Parents from Yarmouth NS.



                             i        Janet Moorehouse, born in Stoneham, MA.


                                      She married Brian Handspicker, born in Mc Allen, Texas.



37.    Jean Rosamond Ploughman, (17.Agnes5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born in Greens Harbour T.B.,NF.


         She married (1) Richard Donald Raymond, born in NS.


                              i        Patricia Jane Raymond. She married James Mondello and had 3 children Michael, Lauren and Matthew Mondello.


                             ii       Elizabeth Jean Raymond b in MA. She married Richard Gill and had 2 children Randy Gill and Erica

                                                Rosemond Gill.


                             iii     Richard (Ricky) Raymond b in MA. He married Jane Ruane May 02, 1981 and they had 3 children Allison Raymond, Juilann Raymond and Katherine Raymond.


iv       Susanne Joan Raymond Ma. She married Kenneth Fillebrown and they had four children Daniel, David, Nichole, and Rene Fillebrown.


                                                She married (2) Barney Bernard.

                             v.        William John Raymond b. in Cambridge Mass. He married Robyn Ann Patten they had three children Hunter John Raymond, Haylee Ann Raymond and Hanna Rose Raymond


38.    Roy Ploughman, (17.Agnes5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born Nov 12, 1927 in Greens Harbour, T.B., NF, died Feb 23, 1996 in Rangely, Maine.



         He married Constance Swinimer, in Cambridge, Ma, born Nov 26, 1928 in Ma.



                              i        Robin Ploughman b in Ma. She married Greg Porciello. They had 2 children Heather Porciello, and Joey Porciello,






                                                             Seventh Generation




39.Sandra Elizabeth Scott, (30.Elizabeth6, 15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1).



         She married John Stephen Cook, Feb 15, 1986 in Alton, NS, (son of John Edward Cook and Stena Pauline Carter).



                             i        Samantha Denise Cook

                             ii       John Stephen Cook

                             iii      Scott Vernon Cook



40.    Pauline Doris Scott, (30.Elizabeth6, 15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1).



         She married Bruce Ewert, May 20, 1996 in Penticton, BC.



                             i        Alexandra Nicole Ewert

                             ii       Sydney Veronica Ewert

                             iii      Michael Vernon Ewert



41. Katherine Anne Miles, (31.Walter6, 15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1). Father to Nathinal and Mason (Stephen McNutt). Kathy's common law spouse is Richard Lee Johnson.



                             i        Nathaniel Blake McNutt.

                             ii       Mason James Mcnutt.


42.    Bonnie Lee Miles, (31.Walter6, 15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1).


         She married Kevin Dunn, May 16,1992.



                             i        Emily Pearl Dunn.

                             ii       Megan Nicole Dunn

                             iii.    Nicholas Robert Dunn


43.    Gina Catherine Hayes, (32.Paulina6, 15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1).


         She married Carl Erickson February 13, 1987



                             i        Lily Erickson.

                             ii       Olivia Pearl Erickson.

                             iii      Miles Alexander Erickson.

                             iv      Reed Erickson.

                             v       Quinn Gustave Erickson.

                             vi      Eve Elizabeth Erickson


44.    Michael Robert Miles, (33.Robert6, 15.Walter5, 9.William4, 3.William3, 2.John2, 1.James1) born in Holberg, BC.


         He married Lori Harbarenko.



                             i        Kayla Harbarenko, born in Grand Prarie, Alberta.

                             ii       Shayna Leigh Miles, born in Grand Prarie, Alberta.